bread and honey
strawberry shortcakes
sparkling strawberry numminess
"pagan born" soft
LAURA speaks
we call the east, the powers of air, to enliven this circle and attend this rite
JESSI speaks
we call the south, the powers of fire, to illuminate this circle and attend this rite
KENDRA speaks
we call the west, the powers of water, to cleanse this circle and attend this rite
LAURA speaks
we call the north, the powers of earth, to strengthen this circle and attend this rite
JESSI speaks
we call the lady- maiden, mother, and crone- to enter this circle and attend this rite, to bless and guide her daughters.
KENDRA speaks
we call the lord in all his forms to enter this circle and attend this rite, to bless and guide his daughters.
ALL speak
this is the circle we cast. love is the law, and love is the bond. may nothing but love enter or leave. blessed be.
1 warm-colored candle for each girl.
JESSI lights her candle-
today is the peak of the sun's power.
LAURA lights candle off of Jessi's-
from now till yule, darkness will grow.
KENDRA lights candle off of Laura's-
let us lend our power to the light.
"the witches' chant"- meditate over candles
KENDRA speaks
the harvest comes, and with it, plenty
LAURA speaks
we will feast on the fruits of summer
JESSI speaks
let us be grateful for our blessings
LAURA speaks
as the power of sun and light fade, let us keep them in our hearts
KENDRA speaks
we trust that warmth and light will come again
JESSI speaks
let the power within us keep us warm and guide us through the coming winter.
"blessed be" softly
LAURA speaks
we thank the north, the powers of earth. merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.
KENDRA speaks
we thank the west, the powers of water. merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.
JESSI speaks
we thank the south, the powers of fire. merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.
LAURA speaks
we thank the east, the powers of air. merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.
KENDRA speaks
we thank the lord for all his blessings, and ask that he remains with us always.
JESSI speaks
we thank the lady for all her blessings, and ask that she remains with us always.
ALL speak
the circle is open yet unbroken. it's power and protection remain in us. blessed be.