Monday, October 13, 2008

Truth In Tarot

We- being Fand, Titania, Keeley, and myself- have been sensing something coming, seeing things in our dreams, feeling the presence of magick in all we do. The pieces were there, but we need help putting them all together. We turned to tarot. Normally, the readings are so vague it's completely hit-or-miss. Not this time... Each card has made a freaky amount of sense, and been very specific to what we were asking.
When I asked what we were to do about what we're being faced with, the cards were very clear- the outcome is not in our hands, and we have no need to be afraid.
When asked about my role in what is to come, three cards came up- The Poetical Justice, The Mother Goddess, and The Sun Child... My child is the point, not me. Fate is in control, not me.
It's been that way for a month now. Clear answers to clear questions... Almost frighteningly so.

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